We have kept our Policies simple so that everyone can understand how our setting is run. We hope these policies are clear and easy to understand. Our school Manager or Deputy will always be on hand to help explain anything that is not fully understood.
The following policies can be made available upon request at the school office:
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour & Conduct, Discipline & Exclusions Policy
Safeguarding Children & Child Protection Policy
Admissions Policy
Assessment Policy
School Uniform Policy
Attendance and Absence Policy
Complaints Procedure Policy (with the details of the number of a formal complaint in the preceding year)
Parental Involvement Policy
Home School Agreement Policy
First Aid Policy
How we use your personal data
We also have various other policies, including the following, which are available from the school upon request:
Curriculum Policy (incl. The Educational and Welfare Provision for pupils with
statements of Special Educational Needs and for pupils for whom English is an
additional language)
Health & Safety Policy
Health & Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits Policy
Details of Green Crescent Primary’s Behaviour and complaints policy are as follow: